System Implementations

Our implementation services help organizations create world-class performance management systems

 Performance Improvement Systems

We can help your organization create a performance improvement system based upon Discipline Without Punishment®, the innovative corrective action system developed by Grote Consulting Corporation.

4833605_blogOur system replaces outmoded corrective action policies with a tough-minded insistence that people take personal responsibility for their behavior and performance. Discipline Without Punishment solves the problems of absenteeism, bad attitudes, poor performance and misconduct. And it significantly reduces disciplinary incidents, terminations and exposure to unemployment claims and wrongful discharge lawsuits.

System development typically includes our working with a project manager and an implementation team to accomplish the following

  • Create a comprehensive policy and procedure matrix that provides appropriate administrative guidelines for each step of the process
  • Develop a policy statement covering all procedural elements
  • Develop administrative materials including record keeping forms, disciplinary documentation forms, procedural flowcharts, etc.
  • Design and implement the Discipline Without Punishment® system
  • Create a communications strategy that assures organization-wide understanding, support, and acceptance of the new system
  • Design training materials and conduct training programs for managers, employees, and internal trainers
  • Develop a formal measurement plan to evaluate and assess the activities and effectiveness of the new performance improvement system

All of our work is customized to meet your specific objectives and provide the greatest value for your investment.

Contact us for more information and to find out how we can help solve your specific performance improvement system challenges.