Management Seminars

Our seminars are based on Dick Grote’s years of consulting, research and writing.

Management Seminars

Grote Consulting Corporation conducts three different management seminars. Each of these seminars concentrates on a different aspect of performance management:

  1. Making your performance management system work effectively
  2. Turning poor performers into good performers
  3. Spotting and developing your highest-potential employees.

All of our seminars are based on Dick Grote’s thirty years of consulting, research and writing. All three are independent and contain no overlap or repetition of materials. Offered as full-day presentations at your site, they are active learning experiences that stress learning-by-doing and full participation.

We can easily customize and combine any of our seminars to meet the objectives that you want to achieve for your managers.

Our management seminars include:

3460645_blogMaking Performance Appraisal Work

This seminar gives your managers the tools and skills they need to answer the two questions every employee wants the answer to: (1) What do you expect of me? (2) How am I doing at meeting your expectations? Your supervisors and managers will learn how to set goals, assess performance, and conduct effective performance reviews.

Managing the Marginal Performer

This seminar concentrates on helping your managers confront and correct poor performers. It gives them the tools, the skills, and the courage they need to prepare for a discussion about the need for performance improvement, conduct that discussion confidently, and follow-up afterwards it make sure that the needed change has occurred.


This seminar gives your managers the skills (and the courage) they need to use your organization’s calibration process effectively. They will learn how to accurately evaluate performance, use relative assessment, and always wear the company hat.

Developing Exceptional Performance

This management seminar focuses on identifying and developing your company‘s highest potential individuals. Participants learn how to identify high potential employees, create development plans that work, and retain top talent. It gives your managers the tools they need to help people move from GOOD to GREAT.

Contact us for more information and to find out how we can help solve your specific performance management training and education challenges.