System Implementations

Our implementation services help organizations create world-class performance management systems

Calibration Systems

We can help you create a calibration system that incorporates all best practices and provides real value for your investment. System development typically includes our working with you to accomplish the following:

  • 10233917_blogDesign a calibration system that’s exactly right for your organization
  • Create all the necessary forms, policy statements, and administrative materials, including FAQ documents, participant guidelines, and leader talking points
  • Create a communications strategy that assures organization-wide understanding, support, and acceptance of the new calibration process
  • Design training materials and conduct training programs for appraisers, appraisees, and internal trainers
  • Facilitate the first round of calibration sessions to make sure they work right
  • Train your internal facilitators so they can serve as both skilled calibration session facilitators and active advocates for the process
  • Develop a formal measurement plan to evaluate and assess the activities and effectiveness of the new performance appraisal system

All of our work is customized to meet your specific objectives and provide the greatest value for your investment.

Contact us for more information and to find out how we can help solve your specific calibration system challenges.