System Implementations

Our implementation services help organizations create world-class performance management systems

Talent Management Systems

We can help your organization create or fine-tune a talent management system that will allow you to accurately identify the talent bench strength of your company. You will know where you’re well positioned for the future, where your talent gaps exist, and what you need to do to muscle-build the organization as a whole.

22171609_blogSystem development typically begins with Dick Grote’s presentation of a Talent Management Executive Overview. Then we work with your senior managers and HR professionals to accomplish the following:

  • Create the system’s mechanics and the step-by-step procedures
  • Determine whether a relative-comparison, forced ranking procedure is right for your organization
  • Develop the administrative materials
  • Design the training materials and conduct training programs for senior managers and assessors
  • Create a communications plan that assures understanding, support and acceptance
  • Create leadership programs and development plans that will help your top talent reach their potential faster

In all our work, we tailor the talent management system so that it meets your specific requirements, reflects the culture of your company, and provides the greatest value for your investment.

Contact us for more information and to find out how we can help solve your specific talent management challenges.