Tip #3 — Appoint an Implementation Team.

Using a task force that is made up of appraisers and appraisees from different levels and functions in the organization builds user support and acceptance. The Implementation Team has two main jobs. One, developing the appraisal forms, policies and procedures. Two, assuring a successful deployment.

It’s helpful to divide the Implementation Teams into two subgroups:

3P — “Policies, Practices, Procedures”

This task force works with the internal or external performance management experts to guide the design of the appraisal forms and recommend workable policies and procedures.

USA — “Understanding, Support, Acceptance”

This task force works as a mini-advertising agency for the new system. They create communication plans and programs to assure understanding and support by everyone who will be affected by the new process.

About the Author
Dick Grote is a management consultant in Dallas, Texas and the author of several books. His most recent book, How to Be Good at Performance Appraisals, was published by the Harvard Business Review Press in July 2011.